Children and Self Esteem – Part II
Ways to boost your child’s self esteem through play, feeding, and encounters with others
12 months old:
- Allow your child to feed himself finger-foods and his bottle
16 months old:
- Allow your child to use a fork to spear food
- Let him decide whether or not he wants to eat, don’t force

1 – 2 year olds:
- Encourage parallel play with peers
- Plan playdates and outings ahead
- On play dates try not to leave until your child is ready
- Encourage your child to stay in the play group
- Don’t push him to share his toys but teach him about taking turns
- Let other children teach him – you may need to intervene sometimes but wait a bit to see if he can work it out

3 – 5 year olds:
- Reward your child for success in learning to play with others
- Encourage 1 or 2 regular buddies or play mates that he gets to know well to understand and rely on as friends
- They will give him a feeling of being competent with other people. They will teach him to share and be considerate of other people’s feelings.

3 – 5 year olds:
- Reward your child for success in learning to play with others
- Encourage 1 or 2 regular buddies or play mates that he gets to know well to understand and rely on as friends
- They will give him a feeling of being competent with other people. They will teach him to share and be considerate of other people’s feelings.
Need Help Boosting your Child's Self Esteem?

Children and Self Esteem

Parents expectations and past experiences will influence whether they can afford to let a child experiment, get frustrated, and then make it on his own. It is this combination of freedom and encouragement that is necessary for increasing self-esteem.
To encourage a positive self image:
- Convey a balance of freedom and support
- Transmit a way of thinking as well as of problem solving. (These are picked up as child identifies with parents and the child’s self image begins to form)

A toddler playing with a puzzle. The parent sits back and watches the toddler try the pieces. The toddler turns the piece around and around. Finally he turns it in just the right way and it fits! He looks to his parent triumphantly. The parent says, “You did it yourself!”

7 Points to remember regarding your children and self-esteem:
1. Reinforce him as he learns to recognize his own achievements.
2. Don’t step in too early to show him or even to encourage him to keep trying.
3. When he finally succeeds acknowledge that he did it!

4. It can be difficult to sit back and allow a child his own frustration – time to fail before succeeding. But this is a critical part of the recognition of his success.
5. Frustration can be a positive force for child’s learning about himself.
6. There is a fine line between the challenge of frustration and overwhelming obstacles.
7. Watch your child and observe him. Does he show curiosity? Persistence? The ability to succeed at a problem or defeat?
Need Help Boosting Your Child's Self Esteem?

October Preschool Prep Curriculum
October was a busy month for our Preschool Prep Program. Themes included Autumn and Fall Fun, weather changes, routines and transitions through individual and group learning experiences. The highlight, of course was our celebration of Halloween during which children wore costumes and practiced their social skills while trick-or-treating in our building with their friends.

We focused on expressive and receptive language, introducing the words “smooth” and bumpy as children took turns holding and touching our smooth and bumpy pumpkins! There was a new interest in songs and fingerplays related to the season and children learned through all of their senses through visual recognition, tasting touching and listening.
Children worked on fine motor skills as they squeezed water color paint through droppers onto coffee filters which were later laminated once dry and made into sunflowers that hand from our ceiling. Fun!

With the help of their parents, toddlers participated in marble painting using white paint on black paper, These became spider webs! Red spiders were later added by toddlers using finger paint. More fun!

Toddlers participated in carving out their own small pumpkins, adding potting soil and some sunflower seeds. Each child created his own garden within his pumpkin to take home and plant. Many of the seed sprouted right away and we all were amazed!!!

Toddlers loved our sensory table this month which was filled with all kinds of seeds leaves, pine cones and seed-pods.

Trick-or-treat in costumes was the highlight at the end of the month. October is the best!!!

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Halloween with your toddler
For grownups Halloween is a festive and fun holiday. For a toddler, monsters, blood and skeletons can be really scary. Around the age of 2 children understand that they can get hurt. That’s when they can start showing fears of monsters, of the dark or fear of being away from the parents. Halloween can be a challenge for the little ones, because there is a confusion between reality and fantasy.
Here are some tips to make Halloween less scary and more fun for toddlers:
- Pretend Play
- Demystify masks and decoration
- Picking the Costume
- Fear of Monsters
- Adjust Expectations
- Trick-or-Treat Time

1. Pretend Play
Role play things that your child might face in a new situation. You can dress up a few times before the real trick-or-treat day. Explain to your toddler that people find it fun to dress up like scary things for Halloween.

2. Demystify masks and decorations
While at a store, a clever idea is to let your toddler touch the scary decorations, so she understands how fake they feel. Decorate your house with toddler-friendly ornaments – such as cute pumpkins or funny ghosts. Leave the zombies for a couple of years from now.

3. Picking the costume
Let your toddler pic what he/she wants to dress. It doesn’t have to be a scary one. Pick a comfortable costume. If she/he doesn’t want to dress up, don’t force her – maybe she would like to put some paint on her face, and that could be the costume.

4. Fear of Monsters
This can happen not only for Halloween, but on a regular basis, during bedtime. To help your child you can:
Assure safety:
Tell her that she is not alone, let her know that you will be right by her side.
Get a night light:
In case she is afraid of the dark bedroom at night. Play fun games in the dark with your toddler with a flashlight.
Stuffed animals can help:
Let your child pick a lovey to take to bed
Talk about your child’s fears and read stories to help her understand and overcome her fears.

5. Adjust expectations
Your child may not want to wear the costume that she picked herself. Toddlers can be moody. Be prepared in case your little one’s mind changes and he/she doesn’t want to go out for trick-or-treat at all.
Have a backup plan in case you are trick-or-treating with your older children as well. Your toddler might be done with it by house 2, and your preschooler may want to stay longer.

6. Trick-or-treat time
– Explain to your toddler how trick-or-treat goes ahead of time. Having an older child with you might help. The older one can ring the bell while your toddler watches her.
– Skip the super spooky houses.
– Be supportive. Always be there by your child’s side in case he/she needs you.
– Time it right. Give your little one a healthy meal before leaving the house, so he/she won’t get irritated. Remember to pair a protein with any kind of sugary snack. Plan daylight trick-or-treating and make the route short.
– Check the candies: get rid of any choking hazards and unwrapped candy. You can let your little one have a piece or two saying that “it’s your Halloween treat!”. Some parents will get rid of the candies after a day or two. Some parents will allow their children to pick one piece of the treat each day. It’s up to you as a parent to figure out a plan for disposing the candy your child brings home.

Fear is a normal part of development. It will take time for your child to understand what is real and what is fantasy. Maybe this year your toddler won’t want to participate in the Halloween activities, but next year will be a whole new stage of development!
Written by Marilee Hartling and Paula Boscardin
If you child continues to have lots of fears, contact us for assistance. A consultation may just do the trick!

September Preschool Prep Curriculum
September was an exciting month for our Preschool Prep Program as children learned about apples, seeds, and the colors red, yellow and green. The Fall Season was welcomed with enthusiasm.

Children had a chance to examine apples of all shapes, sizes and colors. Each friend was greeted in the morning with a red apple and the song “One little apple round and red, fell Ker plunk on Jack’s head” etc.

The children watched teachers cut the apples using an apple slicer and celebrated the Jewish Holiday Roshashanah, by dipping the apple slice in the honey before eating. Everyone was wished a “Sweet New Year!”

Children watched as teachers cut the apples different ways so that “stars” and seeds could be easily seen. They also had fun sponge painting apple shapes which were later hung from the tree branch in our classroom.

Paint was used to make “apple prints” and apples were even used to measure children’s height! Tissue paper apple shapes were made to decorate our windows.

Our Preschool Prep children loved playing with corn, beans and sunflower seed in our sensory table and used measuring cups to pour the seeds into different size containers. This was a great way to introduce concepts like volume, noticing when the cups were full and when they were empty.

So much fun! Can’t wait to see what October will bring!!!
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Our Morning Routine
It’s officially October and it’s still difficult to get your preschooler out of the door in the morning! Your Routine has changed and getting ready to go to preschool might be a challenge. It is no news that children need routine.
Here are some tips to start off the day and a sample Morning Routine Chart to post where your child can refer to it.
1. Enough Sleep
2. Prepare
3. Get up early
4. Morning chart
5. Play some music
6. Try to remain calm

1. Enough sleep
Before even waking up it is important that the night routine is up and running. To avoid meltdowns in the morning, your child must be well rested.

2. Prepare
The night before, get your child to pick her clothes and pack all her school essentials. A clever idea is to assign a place – maybe a shelf or a table by the door– to store the school related items: the backpack, lunch box, shoes and clothes all together; That way you won’t be running after everything in the morning.
The night before, after putting the kids to sleep, is your time to prepare. Make sure to prepare breakfast and lunch boxes. Keep it simple and quick. Save elaborated breakfasts for the weekend.

3. Get up early
Set the example. Wake up earlier than your children. Be ready to go, so you encourage them to be ready too.

4. Morning chart
Create a morning chart for the family. And hang it somewhere where your child can see. Make it with images so your preschooler can understand it. A good idea is to have stickers that your child can earn if the tasks are done on time. Here is one Morning Chart example:

6. Play some music
Music is a great way to soothe children. And it can also be used as a timer. Your playlist can be related to getting ready to school.

6. Try to remain calm
Mornings can be stressful. But, try not to rush. Slow down, use a calm tone of voice. Explain to your child that getting ready is a task for everyone, that you need his/her help. Your child will mirror your attitudes, so be the role model. Try to focus on speaking in a lower voice level and not getting frustrated.

You will see that after some time your child will say “Mommy, now it’s time to eat breakfast”. When there is a routine in place you show your child how to organize time. She will know what to expect. Routines give a sense of security and help children to understand the ability to control their lives. Children love to be in charge; set the routine and have them do as much as they can without reminders! Sometimes simply pointing to the chart is enough to get them going!
Written by Marilee Hartling and Paula Boscardin
Need help setting up a routine?

Play and Art Therapy
While various forms of therapy can be beneficial for a child, many young children find it scary or difficult to verbally express themselves. Play therapy which often includes art therapy is a quickly growing specialized area of psychotherapy that can help children (and adults) express emotions and process experiences beyond the scope of verbal language is capable of.

Long before we develop verbal language, we exist in a world of images and sensations. Throughout our first three years, before we fully develop our ability to be understood verbally, we associate feelings with these images and sensations: the image of our mother’s face or breast, the image of the pacifier or the person with the loud angry voice; the uncomfortable car seat, the smell of cookies baking in the kitchen, or our favorite toy. Our most primal emotions are stored in this world of images and sensation. Gaining access through play, art and creativity can allow us to express and understand ourselves more fully.

Play therapy can be used as part of, or in lieu of, most other type of therapy, and is incredibly efficacious for children and families as both short- and long-term therapy. At ECDA we often combine play therapy with art and cognitive behavioral therapy.

How Play Therapy Can Help Children
The simple process of playing or creating art can help children navigate and cope with difficult feelings, learn frustration tolerance, build self-awareness and self-confidence, and give your child a life-long tool for healthy emotion regulation and expression.
Children are naturally playful and creative and can use their play and creative process as a way of communicating and working through any number of challenges such as:
- Death of friend or family member
- Trauma
- Learning challenges
- Emotional issues such as phobias or insecure attachment
- Increasing motor skills
- Increasing social skills
- Understanding and dealing with physical or emotional challenges
- Behavioral challenges
- Increasing language

What Does a Session Look Like?
It really depends on the age of the child and the preferences of the therapist. Various art supplies are used to achieve different goals, such as opening up a resistant child with loose media like finger paints, or teaching self-control to a hyperactive child with a more controlled media, such as colored pencils.

Often, the session will begin with a check-in, helping the child to be aware of, and to express, their current emotional state. The therapist may then use further art directives based upon the child’s check-in, or may continue to different directives based on other projects or goals for the child’s treatment.

After the child completes a directive, the therapist will ask questions, learning about that particular child’s image language and the feelings associated with the colors and images used. Many children will naturally create a “self symbol” or a metaphor that can be used to tell his or her story. By telling the story of the symbol, rather than using first person, the child is allowed distance and therefore more freedom to express challenging feelings.
As the child and therapist continue to develop a trusting relationship, the treatment will move forward to becoming more challenging according to the child’s emotional and behavioral goals.

How Play and Art Therapy Can Help Families
Play therapy can be incredibly beneficial to families, allowing them to work on creative projects together, both as a way of bonding and by allowing the therapist to watch dynamics play out. During this process, the therapist can play in active part in recognizing and challenging disadvantageous dynamics, helping each family member to see their own contributions. This can be challenging, but also very effective in the creating needed change.
Play and art therapy can help families to:
- Create new, positive ways of interacting
- Learn parenting skills
- Use metaphors and symbolism to understand hidden dynamics and feeling
- Build a deeper understanding of individual family member’s needs
- Increase thoughtful, effective communication
- Provide firm, healthy boundaries
- Practice effective reinforcement of behaviors

What Does a Family Session Look Like?
Again, this depends on the family, the ages of the children, and the therapist. Often, the therapist will take a less active part for the first couple of sessions, allowing the family to become comfortable and for hidden dynamics to become apparent.
The therapist will provide family directives and will watch for things such as: Who leads the projects? Who sits out? Do family members interact or quietly work alone? In the first couple of sessions, the family will also work together to create goals and intentions for therapy, giving family members and the therapist a direction for movement.

Upon completing a directive, the therapist will discuss the dynamics and the symbols apparent in the art, helping the parents to lead the conversation in a constructive way. As therapy progresses, the therapist will support the parent figures in taking more and more control of the activities, helping to solidify comfort in practicing more effective team parenting, as well as enforcing difficult boundaries and guidelines, as well as helping the children to more effectively communicate their own needs.

Upon completing a directive, the therapist will discuss the dynamics and the symbols apparent in the art, helping the parents to lead the conversation in a constructive way. As therapy progresses, the therapist will support the parent figures in taking more and more control of the activities, helping to solidify comfort in practicing more effective team parenting, as well as enforcing difficult boundaries and guidelines, as well as helping the children to more effectively communicate their own needs.

Play and art therapy is not about being an artist. It is important for clients to want to participate in the art, but defining yourself as skilled or creative is not a requirement. The important part is allowing the process to access deep emotions and hidden dynamics, a rewarding challenge regardless of skill level.
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August Preschool Prep Curriculum
August was an exciting month for toddlers attending our Preschool Prep Program! Children had a great time climbing in and out of our tent as the theme was “A Camping we Will Go!”. There was a picnic with Teddy Bears and a special project with handprints and yellow and orange paint.

During “Dinosaur Week” toddlers learned to do the Dinosaur March together and compared the sizes of dinosaurs and their footprints. The concept of “Big and Little” was introduced as toddlers identified big and little dinosaurs as well as big and little cars, trucks, and baby dolls.

The water table was a popular place to play during the third week of August when the theme was “Ahoy Matey”. Toddlers decorated their own paper boats and floated them in the water. A little paint and a paper sail turned our big fire engine box into a beautiful orange sail boat which the children used for climbing and pretend ‘sailing”. Children also used plastic fishing poles with magnets to “fish” magnetic fish in the water table. The favorite book was “Rainbow Fish” where toddlers learned about the importance of sharing with friends. A highlight was the making of sand cups using colored sand, white glue and beautiful sea shells.

Toddlers, parents and teachers all wore red during the 4th week of August in honor of “Llama Llama Red Pajama” which is a much-loved story. Each child made a Llama, Llama puppet which wore red pajamas. Parents and toddlers were engaged to tell the story themselves using their puppets.

The theme for the last week of August was “Celebrating Me!”. Toddlers made hand prints and “self-portraits” with a little help from their teachers. Each toddler was assisted to picking out a paper face and adding eyes, a nose, a mouth and hair to represent themselves.

September marks the beginning of our Preschool Prep School Year Program. We are planning some fun Fall activities!
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Written by Marilee Hartling and Paula Boscardin

Language Development
“What dat?” “Mamma, go?” It’s so exciting when children start to express themselves using words. To help your child with her vocabulary, you can help her do what she is already doing. Praise every attempt of new words. What adults do to respond to the child’s communication can accelerate or decelerate their language development.
How to help them develop language skills:

1. Create opportunities
Pretend to be forgetful. For an example, sing a song and let your child complete the sentence “the wheels on the bus go…” and let her finish. Or, while having snack, you can say “would you like more…” and point to the crackers or cheese.

2. Imitate
Imitate your toddler’s words and babbling. Your child will feel that she is being heard and this will encourage her to imitate you

3. Pointing can be an opportunity
If you toddler points to the book up on the shelf, you can say “The book! You want the book!”. A clever idea here is to take the things out of your toddler’s reach, so he needs to ask for it.

4. Expand the vocabulary
When your toddler says, “green dinosaur” you can say “Yes, big green dinosaur”. Change the tone on the word you want your child to learn. When your child is playing with the doll house, you can say “You are putting the baby to sleep in the crib. The baby is going to sleep”. Model vocabulary and grammar. Help your child to organize her thoughts using words.

5. Show a response
Respond to all attempts to communicate. This will encourage your child to keep on trying.
6. Ask questions
Take a walk with your toddler and ask about the things around you. “What a cute dog, where do you think it’s going?”. The key here is to ask a question that doesn’t have a yes-or-no answer.

7. Help others understand what your toddlers says
If not understood, children may feel frustrated. You can help repeating after her as: “You want grandma to stop cooking and play with you!”
8. Give choices
“Would you like an apple juice or an orange juice?”. This will encourage your toddler to say the words.

9. Talk, talk, talk
Explain everything that you are doing using words. “Dad is going to the grocery store to buy more apple juice”.
Reinforcing good behavior and the use of words will help your child communicate and will motivate her to try new words. Let her feel proud. Create opportunities and you will see how fast and naturally your little one will learn!
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Tips: First Day of Preschool
As a parent you may have two big feelings about your child starting preschool. You may feel excited about this new milestone, the fun your child will have and the friends he will make. At the same time you may feel sad that your little one will be venturing out into the world without you. These are normal emotions. Your child may also have two big feelings about starting preschool, too. He may feel excited to be a big kid, but worried about saying goodbye to mommy and daddy. These are also normal emotions. There are some preparations you can do to get ready for this big day. Be careful not to overdo the preparations, however. You don’t want your child to feel more worried than excited. Here are some tips.

1. Read stories about going to preschool and about separation.
Examples include: Maisy Goes to Preschool, What to Expect at Preschool, How do Dinosaurs Go to School?, Will You Come Back for Me?, Hello! Good-Bye!, Franklin Goes to School, Owl Babies, and The Kissing Hand.Point to the characters in the books and ask how the different characters might feel.
2. Schedule a visit to the school.
Seeing the classroom, meeting the teachers, playing with the toys can make the transition easier.

3. Schedule a playdate with one of the other children who will be attending the same preschool.
4. Play “preschool” at home with your child.
Take turns playing roles of teacher, child, mommy. Act out saying “Hello” to the teacher or “Good-Bye” to the mom. Act out other activities your child will be exposed to in preschool.

5. Develop a “good-bye drop off” ritual and a “pick-up” ritual.
Don’t sneak off. Keep the drop off short and sweet. Most preschools will offer a transition program to help with separation and involve parents as part of the process.
6. Answer your child’s questions honestly
Use developmentally appropriate language. Keep your explanation concrete, offering accurate descriptions of what the classroom will look like, what teachers do, and what happens in a typical school day.
Young children are very literal and their concerns about new experiences center on their basic needs: “Will I be taken care of?” “Who will pick me up?”.

7. Avoid projections that might promise more than preschool may realistically be able to deliver.
Things like: “Preschool will always be fun”. (Sometimes it won’t be). “All children will be your friend”. (Some will be, some will not). “You will always love school”. (There will be days you won’t).
8. Check with the preschool to see if your child can bring:
A transitional object such as a favorite blankie, stuffed animal, or photo book containing pictures of her family members.

9. Stay positive when you say “good-bye”
Your child is watching your reaction to figure out how he should feel. If you appear worried or upset, he may feel more fearful.
10. Build extra time into your morning routine
So you can spend a few minutes at school to help him get engaged as opposed to rushing off. Do a “practice run” in the morning every day the week before preschool starts so your child is already accustomed to waking up early and getting out the door at the appropriate time.
Making a picture chart can help if you hang it up where your child can easily refer to it. Find pictures that demonstrate: 1) getting out of bed; 2) getting dressed; 3) eating breakfast; 4) brushing teeth; 5) getting into the car seat.
With all the right preparations, there will still be adjustments once preschool begins. Give it time. Enlist teacher’s help if the separation becomes difficult. Good luck to you as you embark on this exciting journey with your child!
Is the transition to preschool being difficult?

July Preschool Prep Curriculum
Our Preschool Prep children had a wonderful time in class during the month of July. Weekly Themes included: “By the Sea”, “Crazy Hat Day” and “Put me in the Zoo”.

With water in our sensory table the children measured and poured water to make our spinning wheel spin.

They sailed boats, went fishing, and played in our big sail boat made from a cardboard box!
The favorite story was “Rainbow Fish” and children made their own rainbow fish from paper plates, paint and glitter. Favorite song was “Slippery Fish”.

During the second week children made and decorated their own hats. Favorite story was “Hooray for Hats”.

The third week found children playing with zoo animals in a zoo made with blocks. Animal hats were made and enjoyed. Children song “We’re all going to the zoo tomorrow” and they engaged in pretend play in the dramatic play area. So much fun!

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Waiting is hard!
“You need to be patient and wait!”. Does your child respond to that by actually waiting and being patient? Or does she respond with a tantrum or a huge meltdown? Waiting is hard. And is a tough lesson to be learned. Modeling patience is key to teaching delaying gratification and self-control to your child.
Waiting is boring. However, with some forethought, you can prevent negative behavior related to this feeling.
Here are some tips:
- Help your child manage his/hers expectations
- Plan fun activities
- No screen time
- Make it quality time
- Focus on developing skills
- Focus on the concept of time
- Validate good behavior while waiting

1. Help your child manage his/hers expectations
Let your child know what to expect when you are going to the grocery store. Make a list with her before leaving. While at the store, let her help you organize the shopping cart and cross off the items on your list. In that way, she will know when you are almost at the end. Also, this will keep her distracted and entertained.

2. Plan fun activities
Be creative. When your child has to be patient and wait, provide activities for her. For example: telling a favorite story, humming a favorite song, I-spy game . etc. A clever idea is to always keep paper and pencils on hand.

3. No screen time
Experts don’t recommend the use of screens to entertain children under the age of 2. Screens (as iPads or cellphones) can work in the moment, but they can impact the child’s development. Waiting is a wonderful opportunity for learning, for social interaction and for communication. If you hand your child a screen every time she has to wait, she will be missing out on these opportunities.

4. Make it quality time
Take the advantage of the waiting time to make it fun. Routine experiences can provide the quality time that you want to spend with your child. While waiting at the doctor’s office you can sing, talk or draw picture together. While waiting in line, you can play another version of hide and seek. Hide a coin in the shopping cart and have your child guess where it is.

5. Focus on developing skills
Practice motor skills such as: pretending you are mirror images of each other, you can make faces that your child can copy, or body movements that she needs to imitate quickly. – This is also good to developing social and emotional skills while making “sad, happy or frustrated faces”.
Practice creativity: when you see a sign or a person while passing by car, you can create a story about “why is this person there?”
Practice mathematical skills: “how many red things are you seeing in our cart?”
Practice memory and vocabulary: “I went to the grocery store and I bought…”

6. Focus on the concept of time
It is important for you and your child to talk about how long you have to wait. Children do not truly understand time. So, it is important to show how it works. You can use a sand timer, so your child can watch the san flow through the timer for 1, 3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes.

7. Validate good behavior while waiting
Validate that it is hard to wait. It is extremely important to acknowledge your child’s feelings and notice his accomplishment out loud as a way of reinforcing the skills.
Waiting can provide opportunities for your child to develop her imagination, as she thinks of things to do, stories to tell, games to play and objects to spy while waiting. Be consistent. Remind your child to control her impulses, to stop and to wait. Remain calm, keep in mind that you need to model patience to teach patience.
Need help with your impatient little one?

Imitation in Toddlers
Does your little girl get her handbag, take her “cellphone” out and say “Hello, mommy!”, just like mom does? Or maybe your little boy tries to “shave” his face in the bathroom while looking at dad? Children usually imitate what they see happening around them. Imitation can be a powerful way of learning, and it provides a way to practice new skills. What grownups do around children leaves impressions on their developing brain. As toddlers develop, they learn to engage when they imitate. An example would be Zoey, one of our toddlers, who came to class shortly after her first visit to the dentist. She told another 2 year old, Chloe, to sit down. She gave her a cup and a mirror, “Open your mouth. I am going to check your teeth!” She said, “Now you can use your spit cup!” Both toddlers had a great time “playing dentist” that day.

Imitation is a natural way to learn. Treat it as an opportunity. Every interaction between grownups and toddlers can be a chance for imitation.
Things to keep in mind regarding imitation:
- Show repeated movements and reactions
- Explore
- Provide physical activities
- Model household activities
- Model behavior
- Have a routine
- Enhance language development

1. Show repeated movements and reactions
Repeating movements will help toddlers take in information. When practicing and rehearsing every day, activities become easier and easier, which is a sign that a new skill is being built.

2. Explore
Toddlers learn by doing things, not just watching. So, model the use of a spoon, but let your child experience it too. Let her know that it’s ok to be messy sometimes. Making a bit of a mess is part of the learning process as your toddler masters the use of a spoon of fork.

3. Provide physical activities
Model by jumping, crawling and hopping. Your little shadow will want to try it too. This will help her develop motor skills. Your toddler can choose how she wants to go to the car. Does she want to march like a dinosaur? Or jump like a bunny?

4. Model household activities
Toddlers love to learn, copy and help. They will see you moping or sweeping and will want to imitate you. Make it fun while you are doing it and let them try!

5. Model behavior
Model the behavior you want to see in your child. Sometimes, this is not an easy task. The “do what I say and not what I do” way doesn’t show consistency. Toddlers need consistency to learn how to behave. You don’t need to say: “look what I’m doing here”, your child will learn by observing it. That doesn’t mean this will dictate your toddler’s behavior, but modeling behavior is an effective way to pass on values, beliefs and information. Modeling can also teach social skills, interaction with others and dealing with conflicts.

6. Have a routine
Have your toddler with you during your daily routine. Model for him how you brush your teeth, broom your hair and get dressed. Show where the dirty laundry goes. Show him how to unload the dryer and fold the towels. If you want something done in a certain way, you must show how it’s done.

7. Enhance language development
Your little copycat will try to imitate everything you say. So, repetition is key here. Explain how volume and tone of voice works, as “you can be loud while playing with your friends, but not while having dinner”. Explain why. Model how to use words such as please, excuse me, thank you.
Parents aren’t perfect. And that is ok. If you model the “wrong” behavior or if you say something you wish you could take it back, you can try to repair it by explaining consequences. Imitation serves as a basis to develop empathy. Children can learn that parents make mistakes. Mistakes also provide a good opportunity to model how to say: “I am sorry” – when you really mean it!
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Happy Graduation 2016-2017 Preschool Prep Group!
June was an important month for our Preschool Prep Group as our toddlers and their parents prepared to graduate and leave our program. Our unit theme was “Beginnings and Endings”. We reflected on our progress, looking back at the simple activities our toddlers engaged in last Fall and reflected on the more complicated activities our toddlers are able to tackle now, including: the use of scissors for cutting playdoh and working together to create something wonderful!

Skills that were emphasized included listening, following directions, sharing space, materials and time in our play room.

Toddlers learned some new songs. The favorites were: “I can Measure Myself from Head to Toe, Everyday I seem to Grow.” And “Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck”.
Together children created their own version of Elmer the Elephant after reading the story. Working together as a group they created a mural of car tracks of all colors.

They worked together in the dramatic play area and became a fire fighting team, taking turns “driving” the card board fire truck we made from a box and putting out fires using our pretend hoses made from paper towel tubes. Each child created a fire fighter self-portrait.

And they all participated in planning the snack menu for Graduation Party. Teachers made each child a keepsake photo book that they could take home along with a video of favorite pictures set to music. It was a memorable graduation celebration that parents and teachers will cherish. Here are some photos:

Bye bye Preschool Prep Group 2016/2017. We hope you have a great time in Preschool in the Fall!
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Mindfulness for Children
Mindfulness skills have proven to be effective for reducing stress, calming the body, increasing focus and sustained attention and an increase in wellbeing. The purpose of teaching mindfulness to our children is to give them skills to develop their awareness of their inner and outer experiences, to recognize their thoughts as “just thoughts,” to understand how emotions manifest in their bodies, to recognize when their attention has wandered, and to provide tools for impulse control and calming down.

Tips to practice mindfulness skills with children:
- Listen to the bell
- Make your walks mindful
- Establish a gratitude practice
- Check your personal weather report
- Keep it simple
- Check your expectations

1. Listen to the bell
An easy way for children to practice mindfulness is to focus on paying attention to what they can hear. You can use a singing bowl, a bell, a set of chimes or a phone app that has sounds on it. Tell your children that you will make the sound, and they should listen carefully until they can no longer hear the sound (which is usually 30 seconds to a minute). This is great for increasing focus and attention.

2. Make your walks mindful
You can call this activity a “noticing walk.” Stroll through your neighborhood and notice things you haven’t seen before. You can designate one minute of the walk where you are completely silent and simply pay attention to all the sounds you can hear — frogs, woodpeckers, a lawnmower. You don’t even have to call it “mindfulness,” It can be called “the listening game”.

3. Establish a gratitude practice.
I believe gratitude is a fundamental component of mindfulness, teaching our children to appreciate the abundance in their lives, as opposed to focusing on all the toys and goodies that they crave. (My family does this at dinner when we each share one thing we are thankful for. It is one of my favorite parts of the day).

4. Check your personal weather report
This is about summoning your current feelings in the moment. Sunny, rainy, stormy, calm, windy, tsunami? This activity allows children to observe their present state without overly identifying with their emotions. They can’t change the weather outside, and we can’t change our emotions or feelings either. All we can change is how we relate to them. Children can recognize, “I am not the downpour, but I notice that it is raining; I am not a scaredy-cat, but I realize that sometimes I have this big scared feeling somewhere near my throat.” Children can identify where in their bodies they have the feeling.

5. Keep it simple
Mindfulness is a big word for young kids to understand. Put simply, mindfulness is awareness. It is noticing our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and anything that is around us and happening right now.

6. Check your expectations
Are you expecting mindfulness to eliminate tantrums? to make your active child calm? to make your house quiet? If so, you are likely to be disappointed. While feeling calm or being quiet are nice side-effects of mindfulness, they are not the ultimate purpose.
When practiced, mindfulness becomes a way of living and being in the world instead of just a popular term or catchphrase!
Written by: Marilee Hartling, Anthony DiMaggio & Paula Boscardin
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Marilee’s Tips: Traveling
4th of July is coming. Are you going out of town with you baby/toddler?
Here are Marilee’s Tips to help you prepare and have a great time with your family!
- Eating
- Making the change
- Comfort
- Entertainment
- Flying: when is a good time? where to sit?

1. Eating
- Keep a beverage available at all times – dehydration can be a problem when flying
- Always bring more snacks, water, milk, and formula that you think you’ll need
- Disposable bottle holder- simply throw the liner away – no more cleaning
- Disposable bottle liners that are pre- sterilized in a roll
- L’ovedbaby 4 in 1 Nursing Shawl or nursing poncho
- Sassy four part formula container
- Similac single packet formula container
- Prince Lionheart On The Go Bottle Warmer- also good for jars

2. Making the Change
- Some planes have a small changing table
- Ask cabin crew for assistance
- Use place in the rear of the plane
- If at your seat, be sensitive to your neighbors
- Use diaper pins to attach a blanket to your seat and the seat in front of you for privacy
- Wrap soiled wipes in a perfumed polythene nappy sack and dispose in bathroom trash
- Safeline Kids Timberline Diaper backpack are easy to carry
- Munchkin Disposable diaper bags- can easily be packed away
- Cushie Mat for changing non slip, waterproof and germ free
- Diaper fanny pack or Ziploc bag with essentials- can easily be stored under the seat
- One packet of wipes and diapers in Ziploc bag*
- Soogarbooger by EC for clean and dirty laundry

3. Comfort
- Grab a blanket and pillow as soon as you get on the plane
- Consider buying child their own seat for your own and your baby’s comfort
- Pack a favorite cuddly in an easily accessible place
- Baby sleeping bag
- Lullabies on tapes or IPOD so they know it is time for sleep

4. Entertainment
- Wrap toys to add to their entertainment value
- Bring toys out one by one to get the maximum use
- Bring a box of colorful band aids- it will keep them entertained for hours
- Take some old favorites and some new surprises o Hideaway a couple of toys a week or two before trip and re-find them on plane.
- Take a photo album with pictures of people you will see to get them acquainted
- Don’t pack noisy toys or games to avoid bothering neighbors

5. Flying
When is a good time to fly?
- Morning or evening- stay on their schedule
- Non peak hours- midday and midweek to get better seat and can stretch out
- During the child’s naptime
- Overnight if you have a long flight.
- Non-stop flights to avoid stop-overs

Where should we sit?
- Reserve a bulkhead seat for one or more legroom and playroom
- Some airlines have bassinets in place of bulkhead (for long distances)
- If using car seats, must have Federal Aviation Administration approval sticker.
- Book seat in middle of plane near wings for smoothest ride
- Place yourself between child and aisle to prevent items overhead from injuring child.
- Remember that children are not allowed to sit in exit rows when making a reservation

- Breast or bottle feed or drink from spout or straw
- Make sure child has no ear infection/pre-flight cold- get decongestant if so.
- Put drops in ears before flying o Yawning is also good way to help relieve the pressure
- Wake child before you begin descent- landing is usually harder on ears.

Getting ready
- Spend some time reading books with traveling themes
- If you fear motion sickness, talk to your pediatrician o
- If you have fear of traveling, be sure not to pass it on to child.

Getting around
- Snap on wheels for infant car seats so child can ride in the car seat
- Kid Keeper or Sure Steps Safety Harness to keep your child close-by
- Small strollers will fit in luggage bins
- Elite cruiser infant front pack so you can carry while push luggage
- Convertible car seat that converts into a stroller is great to have.
Need Marilee's Help?

Daddies Parent Differently
At the park, who is the one saying “Do you want to swing higher”? And who is the one saying “Be careful!”?
Fathers parent differently. Moms often protect and dads often encourage kids to push limits. Combining both mom and dad parenting styles can be a positive experience for young children. Children grow up in a safe environment while they are being challenged to explore. Children can tell the difference between mom and dad’s styles of parenting through their attention to interaction. That difference is important and helpful for children’s understanding of differences in life and for their development in learning how to navigate people and situations later in life when there are contrasting ideas and complicate communication.
Here are some contrasts that psychologists and educators have noticed over time; and why Dads are so important:
- Dads help built confidence in different way
- Discipline
- Dealing with frustration
- Communication
- Playing “rough”

1. Dads help built confidence in different way
By encouraging sports and pushing limits, children can learn about practicing and achieving goals. They also learn about teamwork and interaction with peers. Dads often introduce adventures and independence, which can teach a lot about building confidence in dealing with new situations.

2. Discipline
Dad’s discipline is different than mom’s discipline. The “enough is enough” way that many dads discipline teaches consequences. Children learn what is acceptable and what is not. Dads have been observed to be more consistent, decisive and calm than moms.

3. Dealing with frustration
Moms tend to react more immediately towards frustration. Dads may not interfere as quickly, which promotes problem-solving skills.

4. Communication
Fathers usually don’t change the way they talk to facilitate communication with their children. While moms usually do change their speaking style in order to get the child to immediately understand what she is saying. So, dad’s way of talking help children to develop language skills and expand their vocabulary.

5. Playing “rough”
Dads play differently. Tumble play, scary monster, tickles… These activities help a child to develop a sense of self. They also help managing emotions, thinking and physical action. While playing with dad, dad may not alter the game for the child to win. Children know and understand that, so they really concentrate to try in order to defeat the adult in the game. They learn about the work of achievement and that you don’t win every time.

Dads boost children’s development intellectually and socially. Dads can model how to be a good partner, and they can also provide a beneficial male influence. Having a father-daughter bond with a child helps her grow independent and confident. Having a father-son bond helps a son to have a respectable male influence, and can help with awareness of feelings and emotions. A combination of mother and father’s parenting styles make children understand both worlds, the nurturing and the adventurous, the safe and the exploratory. Fathers are not just another adult in the house, they bring positive benefits that no other person can bring!

We celebrated Dads and Father’s Day in our Toddler Group here at ECDA. Daddies had quality “special time” with their little ones and we loved to see the contrasting parenting styles as they played together. We also enjoyed watching the positive Daddy-Child bond!

Written by: Marilee Hartling & Paula Boscardin
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Is your child feeling lonely?
Or is she worried about making friends? It is heartbreaking to think that your child maybe feeling lonely. The effect of loneliness on your child’s life can be more than just depression or anxiety. A child who feels lonely may not be confident and may feel rejected, this can affect her self-esteem. Loneliness can also affect your child’s attempts to take risks. The lonelier she feels, the less she will have the courage to try to fit in

As the end of the school year approaches, children can get a bit anxious. Your child may feel afraid of being lonely in a new school or class. She may feel like she is losing her everyday school friends. She may also be afraid of rejection in an unfamiliar environment. So, it is important that parents address their child’s lonely or “worry feelings” and be proactive in helping.
Here are some Advice/Tips for Home
- Describe your own experiences
- Phrases that help
- Talk
- Build self-confidence
- Shyness result in loneliness
- Quality time

1. Describe your own experiences
During dinner time at the table, you can describe to your children how you and some of your closest friends met. You can also describe how you and your partner met. These stories can emphasize different ways of making friends. Sometimes it only takes a smile and a hello to begin a relationship.

2. Phrases that help
Here are some phrases that you can teach your child to use when they want to join in and play with others:
(From book: “Join in and Play” Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed.)
Ask “May I play with you?”
Ask “What are you doing?”
Ask “Can I have a turn?”
Say “That looks like fun”
Ask ” Can I use that when you are done?
Ask ” Do you want a turn?”
Ask “Would you like to play with this now?”
Ask “What do you want to play?
Say “You can go first.”
Ask ” Do you want to play with me?”

3. Talk
Parents can talk about times they have felt lonely or have had “worry feelings”.
Talk about how you feel whenever you’re lonely. Children can often forget that their parents also have negative emotions. This will validate their emotions and present an opportunity to talk about the way you cope with loneliness.

4. Build self-confidence.
You can help your children recognize their own abilities and capabilities. Praising and acknowledging your child’s specific efforts (“I loved the way you…”) and contributions help to build self-confidence. Motivate your children to continue to pursue a hobby, or enjoyable activity, etc. Focus on appreciating his or her efforts and highlighting what he or she could do next time, instead of placing blame on your children if they fail.

5. Shyness can often result in loneliness
In many instances, children want to make new friends, but often feel too shy. Consider scheduling more play dates with children that your child wants to be friend and this will help your child slowly open up and develop close relationships.

6. Quality time
Most important, always make sure to set aside quality “special time” with your child. Try to stay away from the use of electronic devices during this time. That sometimes make children feel as though they are competing with your phones or iPads for your attention. This takes a toll on self-esteem.

Do fun things with your child, to help her feel less lonely. Sit down and play a game, do some drawing, or read a book with him.
Addressing loneliness and anxiety can help your child to develop high self-esteem. It can also encourage her to take risks and try to fit in. Keep in mind that your child may be shy, and that is ok. Let your child take her time. Don’t force her. Help her build confidence. Be her cheerleader and practice, practice, practice!
Written by: Marilee Hartling & Paula Boscardin
Need help to deal with your lonely child?

Feelings That Come With Changes
As we move into summer many of our children are going through some type of change whether it be school ending, family vacations or heading off to camp. It’s important to accept change even though kids may have “worry feelings” and learn ways of coping with it.

Parents can help children understand the feelings that come with big changes, so that they can learn tools to cope with them. There are many “worry feelings” such as sadness, disappointment, excitement and fear. Below find some tips regarding change to help you work with your children when there are transitions!

1. Talk and acknowledge the “many feelings”
2. Help your child to think about what to expect in the new situation.
3. Emphasize the things that will remain the same during transition.

4. Use markers, crayons or paint to externalize the feelings about the transition.
5. Make a book about the change

6. Role play things that your child might face in a new situation that will make it easier.
Example: in a new school, go up to a child who is by himself and ask him if he wants to play or practice going up to a group of new kids and introduce yourself.

7. Make a list of all the positive things that might come out of the change.
8. Help your child to remember when there were changes in the past and he weathered the storm.

9. Make a list of things your child can do to make himself feel good when he is worried.
The list can include things I like asking for or giving a big hug, doing art, laughing out loud, looking at a favorite picture book, reading a favorite story, holding a special lovey or stuffed animal, playing ball with his dog, going for a bike ride, playing a game of cards like Uno, making a greeting card for a friend, smelling a special scent like cinnamon, swinging at the park. The list can be as long or as short as you want.

10. Post the list
Where it can be reviewed whenever your child has “worry feelings” about a change. You can even add pictures to the list as a reminder.
Written by: Marilee Hartling & Paula Boscardin
Need help to deal with changes?

May Preschool Prep Curriculum
May was a very exciting and busy month for the toddlers who attend our Preschool Prep Program.
Spring Curriculum themes included exploring bugs, insects and planting flowers in the pots the children painted for Mother’s Day.

Our Preschool Prep Classroom was decorated with the lady bugs, bees, flowers and butterflies the children made. They hung from the ceiling. Beautiful!

Sensory play introduced the children to beans, potting soil, shaving cream and water play! Fun!

Teachers focused on listening skills, following directions, awareness of others in shared spaces, as well as trading and taking turns.

Toddlers were also introduced to the use of toddlers scissors for cutting paper as children used them to make their lady bugs and bees.

Developmental activities for promoting fine motor skills also included the use of droppers which were squeezed by tiny fingers in order to paint flowers and butterflies with colors.
Toddlers learned some new songs this month, including “The Bug song”,”I am a little caterpillar” and “Bees are Buzzing”.

Mother’s day was celebrated with mommies as they shared a snack (Muffins for Mommies) with toddlers during snack time and delivered their painted pots and flowers to their moms.

Eric Carl books were a hit in May as children enjoyed “The Hungry Catterpillar” “The lonely Firefly” and “Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!”
We can’t wait to see what June, our last month in Preschool Prep, will bring!!!
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