Separation Anxiety

Around their first birthday, children start realizing that they are entities separate from their parents. This realization can be accompanied by the fear of being left alone or abandoned. Without a developed concept of time a child cannot yet comprehend the idea that...
I have a strong-willed child!

I have a strong-willed child!

Is your child always testing your limits? Congratulations, you are probably the parent of a strong-willed child! You might think that she is stubborn and difficult. But, you may also want to consider that she is curious and self-motivated. Strong willed children are...
No means NO!

No means NO!

Saying no can be so hard! You want to see them happy and you hurt when they are hurt. But, it’s important for your children to learn about limits.   7 tips: saying no and setting up limits 1. Keep in mind that the big picture is the most important 2. Manipulation...