by Marilee Hartling | Mar 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Saying no can be so hard! You want to see them happy and you hurt when they are hurt. But, it’s important for your children to learn about limits. 7 tips: saying no and setting up limits 1. Keep in mind that the big picture is the most important 2. Manipulation...
by Marilee Hartling | Feb 17, 2017 | 12-24 Months, 24-36 Months, 6-12 Months, Second Baby, Toddler, Uncategorized
Tantrums during the toddler years are NOT a result of your parenting. You didn’t do anything wrong. Temper tantrums during the toddler years are a normal, inevitable, even necessary part of growing up. When your toddler tantrums, don’t take it personally, it...
by Marilee Hartling | Jan 30, 2017 | 12-24 Months, 24-36 Months, 6-12 Months, Preschool, sensory integration, Toddler, Uncategorized
We finished our January Curriculum for toddlers and Preschool Prep. What FUN!! The concepts we introduced were “opposites” (Day … Night; Hot … Cold; Front … Back; Hard … Soft; Inside … Outside; Over … Under), hibernation, animals and people in winter, snow and bears....
by Marilee Hartling | Dec 4, 2013 | 0-6 Months, 12-24 Months, 24-36 Months, 6-12 Months, Featured, Toddler, Uncategorized
Marisa Hartling and her baby Olivia Parent-Infant Attunement -Part II Psychologists suggest that communication begins with careful listening and the concept of “attunement.” This term is used to describe the process of focusing on your child’s vocalizations, body...
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