We would like to announce that we will be starting a new Preschool Prep group in the fall! This is a special group program for children ages 2 to 3.5 years old. The Preschool Prep group will focus on promoting social emotional competence, preparing children for preschool, and offers parenting support. This group will be led by child development specialists who will provide education and promote the development and practice of social skills, as well as cognitive development.

The Preschool Prep group will be led by Pat Joseph Thomas, Psy.D, from the Center for Early Education  and Marilee Hartling, RN, MFT, the Director of the Early Childhood Development Associates.

The group will meet twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 1 hour and 45 minutes (9am-10:45am).

The group starts on September 10, 2013.

Groups will be held at the Early Childhood Development Associates center.

8344 Melrose Ave. Suite 23

Los Angeles, CA 90069

For more information or to register contact Marilee Hartling, RN, MFT or Pat Joseph Thomas, Psy.D

(323) 655-5580 or info@ecdevelopment.org