Our Summer Preschool Prep Program culminated with Llama, Llama, Red Pajama. This story is one of our favorites and children were asked if there ever had to wait for mama like Llama, Llama did in the story. Everyone nodded, “Yes!” Children and adults were invited to wear red all week. They made red collages and “llama, Llama Red Pajama” puppets out of paper bags. Water play in the sensory table was very popular as the weather was very warm during the last weeks of August. Snacks during Llama, Llama week were red and included strawberries, raspberries and water melon in addition to the usual cheese and crackers.
It was a fun summer and we saw great growth in all of our Preschool Prep kids in all areas: fine motor, gross motor, speech and language, and social-emotional growth. Some of the children in summer Preschool Prep are continuing in the fall and some are leaving for preschool. We wish our friends who are leaving all of the good things that preschool has to offer. Please come back to visit us sometime!

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