Ways to boost your child’s self esteem through play, feeding, and encounters with others


12 months old:

  • Allow your child to feed himself finger-foods and his bottle

16 months old:

  • Allow your child to use a fork to spear food
  • Let him decide whether or not he wants to eat, don’t force


1 – 2 year olds:

  • Encourage parallel play with peers
  • Plan playdates and outings ahead
  • On play dates try not to leave until your child is ready
  • Encourage your child to stay in the play group
  • Don’t push him to share his toys but teach him about taking turns
  • Let other children teach him – you may need to intervene sometimes  but wait a bit to see if he can work it out


3 – 5 year olds:

  • Reward your child for success in learning to play with others
  • Encourage 1 or 2 regular buddies or play mates that he gets to know well to understand and rely on as friends
  • They will give him a feeling of being competent with other people. They will teach him to share and be considerate of other people’s feelings.


3 – 5 year olds:

  • Reward your child for success in learning to play with others
  • Encourage 1 or 2 regular buddies or play mates that he gets to know well to understand and rely on as friends
  • They will give him a feeling of being competent with other people. They will teach him to share and be considerate of other people’s feelings.


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