August was an exciting month for toddlers attending our Preschool Prep Program! Children had a great time climbing in and out of our tent as the theme was “A Camping we Will Go!”. There was a picnic with Teddy Bears and a special project with handprints and yellow and orange paint.

During “Dinosaur Week” toddlers learned to do the Dinosaur March together and compared the sizes of dinosaurs and their footprints. The concept of “Big and Little” was introduced as toddlers identified big and little dinosaurs as well as big and little cars, trucks, and baby dolls.

The water table was a popular place to play during the third week of August when the theme was “Ahoy Matey”. Toddlers decorated their own paper boats and floated them in the water. A little paint and a paper sail turned our big fire engine box into a beautiful orange sail boat which the children used for climbing and pretend ‘sailing”. Children also used plastic fishing poles with magnets to “fish” magnetic fish in the water table. The favorite book was “Rainbow Fish” where toddlers learned about the importance of sharing with friends. A highlight was the making of sand cups using colored sand, white glue and beautiful sea shells.

Toddlers, parents and teachers all wore red during the 4th week of August in honor of “Llama Llama Red Pajama” which is a much-loved story. Each child made a Llama, Llama puppet which wore red pajamas. Parents and toddlers were engaged to tell the story themselves using their puppets.

The theme for the last week of August was “Celebrating Me!”. Toddlers made hand prints and “self-portraits” with a little help from their teachers. Each toddler was assisted to picking out a paper face and adding eyes, a nose, a mouth and hair to represent themselves.

September marks the beginning of our Preschool Prep School Year Program. We are planning some fun Fall activities!
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Written by Marilee Hartling and Paula Boscardin
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