Our Preschool Prep children had a wonderful time in class during the month of July. Weekly Themes included: “By the Sea”, “Crazy Hat Day” and “Put me in the Zoo”.

With water in our sensory table the children measured and poured water to make our spinning wheel spin.

They sailed boats, went fishing, and played in our big sail boat made from a cardboard box!
The favorite story was “Rainbow Fish” and children made their own rainbow fish from paper plates, paint and glitter. Favorite song was “Slippery Fish”.

During the second week children made and decorated their own hats. Favorite story was “Hooray for Hats”.

The third week found children playing with zoo animals in a zoo made with blocks. Animal hats were made and enjoyed. Children song “We’re all going to the zoo tomorrow” and they engaged in pretend play in the dramatic play area. So much fun!

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