The themes for April were “growing” and “caring for living things”.

Toddlers explored beans and seeds in our sensory table. FUN! They placed seeds and beans into ziplock bags along with a wet paper towel and placed them in our window. It was so exciting to watch them grow and later to plant them! New vocabulary includes the words: roots, seeds, shoots, stems.

Our caterpillars arrived and toddlers were amazed as they watched the caterpillars grow bigger and bigger until they turned into chrysalids and finally butterflies. Toddlers enjoyed helping to feed the butterflies with orange slices and nectar sugar water.

The experience of saying “bye bye” to the butterflies on the day that they were released, was an amazing one that toddlers and parents will always remember.

Toddlers painted their own egg carton caterpillars and made paper butterflies to hand from the ceiling. It certainly looks like Spring!

Can’t wait to see what May will bring!
Written by: Marilee Hartling & Paula Boscardin
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